Monday, July 16, 2012

Pappy O'Daniel drivin' in style

If you're under 50 years old there's a good chance you've never driven a car without power steering. Man, the fun you missed! Wrestling a ton and a half of steel land yacht around by the power of your own two arms was such a blast. And a great workout as well!

Most of the owner/drivers pictured in these old car ads are either 'average joe' types for lower priced family sedans, young professional types for the more upscale sporty coupes and convertibles, or tuxedo wearing distinguished gents with jewel-bedecked princesses on their arms for the luxury models. (see future posts for examples). This ad, however, has some boss hawg looking dude enjoying his power steering and saving wear and tear on his fat-encrusted heart. I love it!
July 1952 as in LIFE
Original (full-size) image is here

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