Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Spark Plugs: Before & After

That's right, spark plug manufacturers used to place full-page ads in weekly magazines in an effort to get you to use their fume igniters. In those days the engine compartments in vehicles were virtually empty compared to today's emmissions strangled cars. You could SEE the spark plugs and get to them easily, in most cases, for changing. What a concept!

The 'experimental' aspect of the Parisienne pictured must have been, 'How big of a blind spot can we build into this thing?' 

The scans I post are not straight out of the flatbed. They get some attention in Photoshop to remove the yellowing that comes with age in these magazine ads. So today I'm showing the 'before and after' versions of this ad from May of 1953.

Original (full-size) image is here
May 1953 ad in LIFE

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